Building Enclosure Institute

Nonprofit Florida Corporation Est. 2018


Building Enclosure Institute
is a new scientific research laboratory devoted to unbiased studies of physical characteristics of building systems, components and materials that would provide results, objective training, and education related to building enclosures to the public on a nondiscriminatory basis.

The Building Enclosure Institute is an independent 501c3 nonprofit. We maintain a strict conflict of interest policy, and our documentation is publicly available.

Topics and Activities.
The new organization offers opportunities in two directions, representing the two respective profiles:
1. Research and testing. The Institute will provide diagnostic services in your chosen cases and broadcast results of the testing and research publicly.
2. Education and training. The Institute will develop tracks of education addressing needs of your members , including but not limited to address needs of the following groups:
a) ownership teams managing their construction projects and their building enclosure commissioning teams,
b) damage-control contractor teams,
c) physical plant and maintenance departments of facilities,
d) architects.

A comparison of materials by their bench testing, or responding to Q&A on building physics and technology, is just a glimpse of what kind of assignments you can send to us.

Where to Start.
Email us your question or need. The typical questions include e.g. comparison of materials and systems, necessary depth and configuration of thermal and vapor-impermeable layers, etc. The typical education and training request includes location, ranges of dates, topics, attendance, background, availability of a room, duration, etc. Indicate whether the requesting company is nonprofit.

1) We will reserve full discretion in choosing projects submitted by the general public.
2) Non-disclosure of certain identifying information: the circumstances of projects and all their identifying details will not be disclosed to protect your and your company's interests as long as it would not affect the quality and clarity of data and results.Otherwise, we would reject the assignment.
3) The general public is our client, and our services and their results will be made available to the general public on nondiscriminatory basis. The results will be posted in the public domain for the public benefit. The general public, including competitors, will be welcome, as always, to attend and subscribe to education and training tracks.

The Institute will offer a more structured form for the activities that Kaz engaged in over a recent two decades, by conducting research, publishing representative results, and giving seminars, while giving them the much-needed boost of energy and dedicating them to purely charitable purposes. Originally this effort was justified by for-profit considerations, primarily marketing. These activities ceased for several years, since we no longer needed further marketing, nondisclosure agreements became broader and more rigid, and we could no longer justify this effort economically. We even stopped sending proposals to certain generally budget-starved job categories altogether, missing some potentially interesting and representative projects. During this time, general public needs went unfulfilled. The most typical requests we kept hearing included: physical facade diagnostics and investigation on a budget and staff training. Our intention is to fill that niche.

BEC Miami - History.
Every now and then we receive questions about reactivation of BEC Miami, which institution had a similar non-profit profile, except it more actively engaged the community in real time with monthly meetings of its members (affiliated architects, engineers, contractors, manufacturers and others with an interest in building enclosures, and always combined with educational courses). Public benefits were quite broad: local pros used it to get continuing education, salespeople used it for networking, and young people used it for job searching, etc. Kaz funded BEC Miami in 2007 and operated it for five years, but sadly no one volunteered to step into his shoes when he no longer had the time. Consequently he had to close it in 2012. We attempted to reactivate BEC Miami for winters that Kaz spends in Miami, to no avail, Kaz would not only have to donate his time on a rigid schedule (with little if any downtime) but also supplement the costs of the room out of his own pocket. Therefore, this form of activity was deemed untenable, and in consequence BEC Miami remained closed. We did not keep our free AIA Education Provider status active, so AIA National took our status away. When the BEC Miami closure was announced, vultures circled the sky: Kaz successfully resisted demands and offers to share the membership data and the email list, staying true to the promise he gave to the members. The data probably became obsolete by now. As of this writing, BEC Miami is dead and buried, and no other initiative filled that niche in SE Florida. We regret this development, and remain hopeful that a new leader will emerge so it can be resurrected.

Donations. We ask for donations. Contributions are tax-deductible (individual contribution deductibility limits may apply per IRS). Names of donors will be prominently posted and broadcast in our materials.

Gallery of Donors.
In this space we will list our donors with indication of ranges of their donations

Karol Kazmierczak - over $10,000.00 

Please donate to support our effort! Every small amount helps!

Please join us at the session called "Sweat Equity: Facade System Considerations for Hot and Humid Climates" at University of Miami on 03/22/2019. Please, see the announcement at
Facade Tectonics website.

New series of articles "Tips and Tricks of The Trade - Best Things in Life are Free" reveals closely held secrets of the trade, worth thousands of dollars. See the first articles on how to test facade materials' permeability and air tightness with a bubble gun.

New seminar/movie is in the making "Kaz - Architectural Learnings of America to Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Poland," that would reveal some absurdities of the modern construction in the U.S., Borat style.

Also, that EIFS seminar that Kaz promised a decade ago may be finalized this year (He worked with over two hundred EIFS buildings, but it was two decades ago, so he hardly remembers anymore.) Book your dates.

For the the movie project, we are looking for those who have interesting stories to tell, particularly those at the top of the industry, occupying different sectors ranging from R/D scientists to insurance adjusters. We would like to interview you, we also look for interesting buildings that may be used to demonstrate certain absurdities.

DVD Giveaway. We are giving away the remaining old stock of DVDs with Kaz seminars. Supply is limited. No learning units provided, nor any support of any kind, no warranties impressed or implied, etc. you get it. Send us an email.

IRS approved our application for 501(c)3 status! It went much smoother than we thought, we were scared by horror stories of lengthy back-and-forth and delays we heard and read about, nothing of this kind happened.

We are looking for qualified individuals to help us in miscellaneous activities: website development, bookkeeping, etc. Send us an email with your CV!

Reading Materials.
Below is the temporary gallery of documents we shared with the general public:


Typical South Florida Wall: Ad-hoc testing of materials’ permeability (PDF)

Visual Air Barrier Testing (PDF)

Glass Reuse (PDF)

Detail Review (PDF)

Façade Tectonics (PDF)

There are several new papers in the works, mostly targeted to DIYers:

·         Rooftop PV Mounts: Leaks, Other Issues and How to Avoid Them

·         DIY High Albedo Roof

·         DIY Manual of Roof Condition Assessment: (separate parts will appear below, pending completion)

DIY Manual of Roof Condition Assessment (in progress), PART 1: Bituminous Roofs

·         DIY Sealant Guide

·         DIY Insulation Guide

·         DIY EIFS Guide

·         DIY Wildlife Protection

·         DIY Liquid Glass Waterproofing and Other Applications

·         DIY Window Replacement

·         DIY Exterior Door Replacement

·         Flood Manual - Continued

·         Field Guide to Tell Thermal Simulations Apart

·         DIY AC Modifications for Energy Savings and Healthier Conditions

Some early teasers of the above are posted on our Facebook Page! We are looking for contributors! Do you have a relevant story that you want to share?

Public Disclosures:

IRS Approval Letter

2018 990 PF Tax Return

2019 990 PF Tax Return

2020 990 PF Tax Return

Set Aside Statement


Facade Engineering University for Architects -Seminars


Our channel at YouTube.

Introduction video of our Facade Sky Tour series at YouTube.

Draft Trailer of Our Documentary Movie at YouTube.

Thermal Engineering Seminar at YouTube.


Our Facebook Page

Our channel at LinkedIn.

IRS Non-profit listing of our organization:

Blog of Ben Krasnow. Interesting applications of science and technology.



The best way to reach us is the email address Sadly, our phone (646) 4000 0080 has been under siege of robocallers, and therefore we no longer pick up the phone unless we see a familiar Caller ID. Please leave a message or better send us an email.

Newsletter Subscriptions.
We cannot promise that we will keep you regularly updated, but could at least try:

Either Subscribe or Unsubscribe. (If you are unsubscribing, please kindly verify that you are unsubscribing the email address that received our newsletter, and not any other email address. Roughly half of unsubscribe requests gave a wrong email address.)


In Construction.

This page is a preliminary, ad-hoc static website, intended to convey the message. We are looking for a website designer to make it fancier, and more reader-convenient.